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Spotlighting our community: Kirsty Spickett, CMO @ Zilch

Wednesday 8 March is International Women’s Day in 2023 and whilst we want to celebrate, we want to make sure we spotlight the work of some of the incredible women we work with and alongside.

So each day this week, we’ll be sharing the story of a different woman leading businesses and divisions. Today we’re talking to Kirsty Spickett, Chief Marketing Officer at Zilch. Zilch are committed to creating the most empowering way to pay.


Who most inspired your career or mentored you to your level of success?

There are two key people I must mention here – my mother and my partner, Dave. They are the individuals who have most inspired my career and mentored me to my level of success.

To focus on my mum first, she is extremely clever and practical, despite not having had an education or a career due to societal expectations at the time. She taught my sibling and I that we were never allowed to consider ourselves as anything less than capable, which has been an important source of inspiration and support throughout my life. 

I also have to credit my husband, Dave, for taking an equal share, if not a bigger share, of responsibility for childcare without any duress, even though he works full-time too.

Dave’s contributions have allowed me to relinquish control and remove stress from life, particularly in the area of childcare, where Dave is better than me anyway! It helps that Dave is also a strong feminist – we share mutual values and goals.


What policies or practices does your organisation have in place to allow women to thrive?

Zilch has successfully cultivated a positive and supportive organisational structure where women are equal. It starts with the basics – and arguably most vital steps – having a host of brilliant women in senior roles, a testament to the company’s commitment to equality. We have a robust senior management team compromising of several women leaders who all excel in their respective roles. These women serve as role models for younger women, inspiring and motivating them to aim higher and strive for greater things, inside Zilch and to the industry as a whole.

Another practice that’s notable is the women’s groups we have. These are where teams come together to discuss important topics such as career development, diversity and inclusion, work-life balance and so on. These groups provide a platform for women within Zilch to share their experiences and challenges whilst learning from one another. They are really supportive spaces for not only women, but male allies too.

Finally, for those who decide they do want to start a family, we have an exceptional maternity policy. I’m actually really proud of the brilliant package – it supports women who are having a child, looking to have another child or have children of school age. The policy provides flexibility and support should they need to balance work with family responsibilities effectively. 


How do you try and pass down support and mentorship to women in your industry or organisation?

I have probably learned more in the last year at Zilch through upward mentoring from my amazing team than I have in the entire ten years prior. I’ve always participated in mentoring programmes, but, the reality is, I’m now being mentored by my team on a range of things such as how we communicate with Gen Z and millennials because they are better at it than I am. In a previous role I also co-founded a networking group called Bloom, which after a decade has grown to be one of the most recognised networking and mentoring groups for women.

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